Tuesday, September 29, 2015

English - A Click Away

1.Incongruous (adj)(अनुप्युक्त,असंगत)-Not harmonious, incompatible
Suresh's cowboy hat was incongruous with her black cocktail dress.
Synonyms: inappropriate, absurd
2.Incumbent (adj)(उचित,अवलम्ब)-oblilgatory
It was incumbent on Jeevan to attend his father's retirement party.
Synonyms:  compulsory

3.Indecorous (adj)(अनुचित,अभद्र)-In bad taste
My parents banned Ujjwal from our house because of his indecorousbehavior at dinner.
Synonyms: vulgar, uncouth

4.Induce (verb)(प्रेरित होना,उकसाना)-To influence or cause
The loud blast of the cannon induced an avalanche.
Synonyms: incite, spur

5.Inflammatory (adj)(सूजा हुआ,उत्तेजक,दाहक)-Tending to excite anger
Geeta's inflammatory remarks at the party made Rohan furious.
Synonyms: seditious, hostile

6.Insinuate (verb)(संकेत करना,इशारा करना)-To suggest indirectly
Santosh, who did not like confrontation, insinuated that Gopal was lying.
Synonyms: imply, allude

7.Insolence (noun)(शोखी,अविनय)-Boldness or rudeness
The boy's insolence to the policeman embarrassed his mother.
Synonyms: impudence, impertinence

8.Interminable(adj)(अनंत,आपार,बेहद)-Never ending, or seemingly endless
The impatient Aman found the longwinded lecture interminable.
Synonyms: ceaseless, monotonous

9.Intricate(adj)(असरल,कठिन,पेचीदा)-Having complex and interrelated parts
The intricate poem baffled most readers with its numerous obscure metaphors.
Synonyms: complicated, convoluted

10.Inviolable(adj)(पवित्र,जो टूट न सके)-Secure from assault of trespass
Situated on a mountain, with sixteen-foot walls, the castle was inviolable.
Synonyms: untouchable, sacrosanct

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