Sunday, July 19, 2015

Night Class: Quant Quiz

Direction : Following line graph shows the ratio of imports to exports of two companies over the years:

1. In how many of the given years were the imports more than the exports in case of company - A ?
1) 5
2) 3
3) 1
4) 2
5) 4

2. If the imports of company-B in year 2011 were Rs. 51.688 lakh, then what were the exports of company-B in the same year?
1) 64.26 lakh
2) 67.54 lakh
3) 71.36 lakh
4) 73.84 lakh
5) None of these

3. If the exports of company-A and Company-B were equal to 84 lakh in year 2012 then what will be the difference between
imports of company-B and imports of company-A in that year ?
1) 9.6 lakh
2) 8.4 lakh
3) 7.2 lakh
4) 6.8 lakh
5) 5.4 lakh

4. If the exports of company-A in year 2009 and exports of company-B in year 2012 were equal then the imports of company-
B in 2012 is approximately what percentage of imports of company-A in 2009 ?
1) 60%
2) 75%
3) 84%
4) 96%
5) 133.3%

5. In year 2009, If the export of company-B is increased by 100% and import is increased by 200%. Then what will be the new ratio of import to export of company-B in that year ?
1) 0.8
2) 1.0
3) 1.2
4) 0.6
5) 1.5

6. A cycle is sold at a profit of 15%. If both the cost price and selling price is decreased by Rs. 200 the profit would be 5% more what is the original cost price of cycle ?
1) Rs. 1200
2) Rs. 1000
3) Rs. 800
4) Rs. 600
5) None of these

7. A person lends Rs. 4200 to 'A' for 3 years and Rs. 6500 to 'B' for 7 years. If the person gets Rs. 8134 as interest then what is the rate of interest per annum ?
1) 6%
2) 8%
3) 10%
4) 12%
5) 14%

8. A sum amounts to Rs. 98010 in 2 years and to Rs. 107811 in 3 years compounded annually. What is the sum ?
1) Rs. 81000
2) Rs. 84000
3) Rs. 87000
4) Rs. 90000
5) Rs. 94000

9. How many different words can be formed with the letters of the word ''BREAKING". So that the words begin with 'B' and end with 'G' ?
1) 120
2) 720
3) 5040
4) 2520
5) 1440

10. A bag contains 9 white and 7 black balls. Three balls are drawn at random. Find the probability that all the three balls are black ?
1) 1/8
2) 1/12
3) 1/16
4) 1/21
5) None of these


1. 4
Imports > Exports
Imports/Exports >1

2. 4
I/E = 0.7
E = I/0.7
= 51.688/0.7

3. 2
Ia/Ea = 0.8
Ia = 0.8 * 84 = 67.2lakh
Ib/Eb = 0.9
Ib = 0.9 * 84 = 75.6lakh
Diff = 8.4 lakh

4. 2
Ia/Ea = 1.2
Ib/Eb = 0.9
Let export of A and B are X
Ia = 1.2x
Ib = 0.9x
Req% = 0.9x/1.2x * 100 = 75%

5. 3
I/E = 0.8
I1 = I +200I/100 = 3I
E1 = E + 100E/100 = 2E
Ratio = I1/E1 = 3I/2E = 3/2 * 0.8 = 1.2

6. 3
Let the original cost proce is x, so SP is
115x/100 = 23x/20
Now CP = x - 200
SP = 23x/20 - 200
Profit = 23x/20 - 200 - (x - 200) = 23x/20 - x = 3x/20
% Profit = 3x/20 * 1/(x - 200) * 100 = 20
3x/(x - 200) = 4
3x = 4x - 800
x = 800

7. 5
Let the rate of interest is r% p.a.
4200*r*3/100 + 6500*r*7/100 = 8134
126r + 455r = 8134
r = 8134/581 = 14% p.a.

8. 1
P (1 + R/100)^3 = 107811
p(1 + r/100)^2 = 98010

1 + r/100 = 107811/98010
r/100 = 9801/98010
r = 10%

P = (1 + 10/100)^2 = 98010
p = 98010 * 100/121 = 81000

9. 2
B _ _ _ _ _ _ G

Now 6 letters are left for six different place
Req No. of wages = 6P6 = 6! = 720

10. 3
n(S) = Number of ways of selecting 3 balls out of 7 = 7C3 = 7!/3!4! = 35

p(E) = 35/560 = 1/16

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