Monday, July 20, 2015

GATEWAY TO CGL MAINS 2015 : General Science Quiz

1. An eye defect which usually results from an unequal curvature of the cornea is–
(A) nearsightedness 
(B) astigmatism
(C) colour blindness 
(D) night blindness

2. A photo-electric cell converts–
(A) sound energy into electrical energy 
(B) light energy into electrical energy
(C) an electrical signal into sound waves 
(D) electrical energy into light en

3. Which of the following sounds cannot be heard by human ear?
(A) 300 vibrations / sec 
(B) 1,000 vibrations / sec
(C) 10,000 vibrations / sec 
(D) 30,000 vibrations / sec

4. Exposure to sunlight helps a person improve his health because–
(A) the infra-red light kills bacteria in the body     
(B) resistance power increases
(C) the pigment cells in the skin get stimulated and produce a healthy tan
(D) the ultraviolet rays convert skin oil into Vitamin D

5. Small amounts of iodine are necessary in our diet to– 
(A) prevent pellagra
(B) compensate for under activity of the thyroid gland
(C) stimulate clotting of blood
(D) stimulate pituitary gland

6.The property of a substance to absorb moisture from the air on exposure is called
(A). osmosis
(B). deliquescence
(C). efflorescence
(D). desiccation

7.Soda water contains
(A).carbonic acid
(B).sulphuric acid
(C).carbon dioxide
(D).nitrous acid

8. When a gas is turned into a liquid, the process is called .
(A). condensation
(B). evaporation
(C). deposition
(D). sublimation

9.Which of the following parts of the sun is easily visible only during a total solar eclipse? 
(A). core
(B). photosphere
(C). sunspots
(D). corona

10.Which of the following elements is a metal 
(A). S
(B). Se
(C). I
(D). Ga

1 - (B)
2 - (B)
3 - (D)
4 - (D)
5 - (B)
6 - (B)
7 - (C)
8 - (A)
9 - (D)
10- (D)

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