Sunday, July 19, 2015

Banking Pathway: Marketing Quiz

1. Market Research is used for
1) Selecting the right product 
2) choosing the sales persons 
3) Selecting proper marketing strategies 
4) Deciding the selling price 
5) All of these

2. What does CRM stand for?
1) Consumer Retention Management 
2) Customer Retention Management 
3) Customer Relationship Management 
4) Client Relation Management 
5) Customer Relation Marketing

3. What are value added services?
1) Products which are sold at premium price 
2) To sell large number of products 
3) At par services 
4) Additional services 
5) None of these

4. USP of a product/service means?
1) Unique Selling Price 
2) Unique Selling Place 
3) Unique Selling Proposition 
4) Ultimate Selling Price 
5) None of these

5. Which of the following is an example of indirect marketing?
1) e-mails 
2) Telemarketing 
3) Re-sellers 
4) Couponing 
5) Out of home

6. Who among the following coined the term USP?
1) Philip Kotler 
2) Rosser Reeves 
3) David Aaker 
4) Eric Schmidt 
5) None of these

7. What does Lead Generation mean?
1) To get tips for selling tactics 
2) To generate leaders 
3) To increase better production 
4) Likely sources of prospective clients 
5) All of these

8. What does MBO mean?
1) Marketing of Business Organisation 
2) Management By Objectives 
3) Management Based on Objects 
4) Organisation of Business Management 
5) None of these

9. Which of the following is not included in the 7p's of marketing?
1) Process 
2) People 
3) Physical evidence 
4) Planning 
5) Promotion

10. In which year was the Consumer Protection Act passed?
1) 1987 
2) 1986 
3) 2002 
4) 2004 
5) None of these

11. Which of the following is not a stage in the Product Life Cycle of a product?
1) Maturity 
2) Introduction 
3) Decline 
4) Stars 
5) Growth

12. What does AIDA stand for?
1) Attention Interest Desire Action 
2) Attract Initiate Draw Action 
3) Attentive Inclination Desire Activity 
4) Action Interest Desire Attention 
5) None of these

13. What does ‘Low End Market’ mean?
1) A market for low quality products 
2) A market which is located at remote areas 
3) A market for lower priced products 
4) A market where very less number of buyers are available 
5) None of these

14. Who coined the term MBO?
1) Peter Drucker 
2) American Marketing Agency 
3) Philip Kotler 
4) George Roth 
5) None of these

15. What is a ‘Nascent Market’?
1) Unpredictable markets
2) Small and newly developing markets 
3) Monopolistic market 
4) Fully competitive market 
5) None of these

16. Which of the following is a feature of services?
1) Intangibility 
2) Inseparability 
3) Variability 
4) Perishability 
5) All of these

17. The system which is designed to support marketing decision making is:
1) System Management 
2) Marketing Allocation System 
3) Marketing Information System 
4) Marketing Tracking System 
5) None of these

18. Which of the following is also known as ‘Guerrilla Marketing’?
1) Ambush marketing 
2) Direct marketing 
3) Indirect marketing 
4) All of these 
5) None of these

19. What does B2C transaction mean?
1) Business–to–Corporate 
2) Business-to-Consumer 
3) Bargain-to-Conversion 
4) Buying-to-Consumption 
5) None of these

20. Which of following is an example of Inbound marketing?
1) Social media marketing 
2) Blogs 
3) Newsletters 
4) None of these 
5) All of these

21. Which of the following is an example of ‘Engagement Marketing’?
1) Event Marketing 
2) Live Marketing 
3) Experiential Marketing 
4) Participation Marketing 
5) All of the above

22. What does BTL mean?
1) Business Through Line 
2) Below The Level 
3) Below the Line 
4) Buyers through Leads 
5) None of these

23. What is the objective of ‘Holistic Marketing’?
1) to produce more and more number of products 
2) to produce products according to the taste of customers 
3) to acknowledge that everything matters in marketing 
4) to sale more and more products 
5) None of these

24. What does customization mean?
1) to acquire more customers 
2) to regulate more customers 
3) more products per customer 
4) special products to suit each customer 
5) All of these

25. Conversion in marketing means :
1) meeting a prospective client 
2) to interact with a prospective client 
3) converting a suspect into a prospect 
4) converting a seller into a buyer 
5) converting an employer into an employee

1. 5
2. 3
3. 4
4. 3
5. 3
6. 2
7. 4
8. 2
9. 4
10. 2
11. 4
12. 1
13. 3
14. 1
15. 2
16. 5
17. 3
18. 1
19. 2
20. 5
21. 5
22. 3
23. 3
24. 4
25. 3

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