Thursday, July 16, 2015

Banking Pathway 2015: Quant(Data Interpretation) Quiz

Directions for Q.(1-5) Study the given pie-charts carefully to answer the questions that follow.
Break-up of number of employees working in different departments of an organization, the number of males and number of employees who recently got promoted in each department Employees working in different departments

Break-up of number of males in each department

Break-up of number of employees who recently got promoted in each department

 1. The number of employees who got promoted from the HR department was that percent of the total number of employees working in that department? (rounded off to two digits after decimal)
A) 36.18 
B) 30.56 
C) 47.22
D) 28.16 
E) None of these

2. The total number of employees who got promoted from all the departments together was what percent of the total number of employees working in all the departments together? (rounded off to the nearest integer)
A) 56 
B) 21 
C) 45
D) 33 
E) 51

3. What is the total number of females working in the Production and Marketing departments together?
A) 468 
B) 812 
C) 582
D) 972
E) None of these

4. If half of the number of employees who got promoted from the IT department were males, what was the approximate percentage of males who got promoted from the IT department?
A) 61 
B) 29 
C) 54
D) 42 
E) 38

5. How many females work in the Accounts department?
A) 618 
B) 592 
C) 566
D) 624 
E) None of these

Directions (Q. 6-10) Study the following tables carefully and answer the questions given below them.
Number and percentage of candidates qualified in a competitive examination
Number of candidates appeared in a competitive examination from five centers over the years

Approximate percentages of candidates qualified to appeared in the competitive examinationfrom five centers over the years.

6. Approximately what was the difference between the number of candidates qualified from Hyderabad in 2001 and 2002?
A) 1680
B) 2440
C) 1450
D) 2060 
E) 1860

7. Approximately what was the total number of candidates qualified from Delhi in 2002 and 2006 together?
A) 27250 
B) 25230 
C) 30150
D) 28150 
E) 26250

8. In which of the following years, was the difference in number of candidates appeared from Mumbai over the previous year the maximum?
A) 2004 
B) 2006 
C) 2007
D) 2002 
E) None of these

9. In which of the following years, was the number of candidates qualified from Chennai, the Maximum among the given years?
A) 2007 
B) 2006 
C) 2005
D) 2003 
E) None of these

10. Approximately how many candidates appearing from Kolkata in 2004 qualified in the Competitive examination?
A) 13230 
B) 13540 
C) 15130
D) 15400 
E) 19240

1. B
2. D
3. C
4. E
5. A
6. E
7. D
8. C
9. A
10. B

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