Monday, July 20, 2015

Banking Pathway 2015 : English (Mix Quiz)

Directions (Q. 1-10): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out, each of which is indicated by a number. Find the suitable word from the options given against each number and fill up the blanks with appropriate words to make the paragraph meaningful.

New technology has led directly to (1) standards of living, yet science tends to follow market forces as well as to (2) them. It is not surprising that the rich get richer in a continuing cycle of (3) while the poorest are often left behind. A special (4) should be made by the powerhouses of world science to address the unmet challenges of the poor. Ending (5) poverty can relieve many of the pressures on the environment. When impoverished households are (6) (7) on their farms, for example, they face less pressure to cut down neighbouring forests in (8) of new farmland. Still, even as extreme poverty ends, we must not fuel prosperity with a lack of (9) for industrial pollution and the (10) burning of fossil fuels.

1) Visible 
2) declining 
3) improved 
4) amicable 
5) rigorous

1) Fail 
2) claim 
3) market 
4) avoid 
5) lead

1) Wealth 
2) growth 
3) poverty 
4) improvement 
5) economy

1) Effort 
2) care 
3) practice 
4) occasion 
5) sanction

1) Marginal 
2) apparent 
3) superficial 
4) extreme 
5) dismal

1) Abnormally 
2) less 
3) more 
4) excessively 
5) unreasonably

1) Efficient 
2) meticulous 
3) careful 
4) dependent 
5) productive

1) View 
2) search 
3) expectation 
4) lust 
5) place

1) Attitude 
2) mobility 
3) initiative 
4) concern 
5) ease

1) Unchecked 
2) repeated 
3) periodical 
4) occasional 
5) limited

Directions (11- 15) : Which of the phrase (1), (2), (3), (4) given below each sentences should replace the phrase printed in bold to make the sentence grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is, mark (5) is ‘No correction required’ as the answer. 

11. He advised his son not doing anything which is against his conscience. 
1) never to do 
2) not done
3) to not doing 
4) no doing of
5) No correction required

12. Even after talking the matter for hours we could not arrive at a decision.
1) talking to 
2) talking over
3) talked about 
4) talk through
5) No correction required

13. Every employee is entitled to those benefits from the late regulations.
1) underneath the later
2) below the latest
3) Within the lately
4) under the latest
5) No correction required

14. Recently there has been suddenly increased the price of oil.
1) suddenly increasing
2) sudden increase from
3) a sudden increase in
4) increased suddenly
5) No correction required

15. That company is our rival since it provides similar services to ours in a lowest rate.
1) with lowest of rate 
2) in low rates
3) for as lower rates 
4) at lower rates
5) No correction required

1. 3
2. 5
3. 2
4. 1
5. 5
6. 3
7. 4
8. 2
9. 4
10. 1
11. 1
12. 2
13. 4
14. 3
15. 4

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