Tuesday, November 17, 2015

SSC Competitive Exams – General English Study Notes

1.  Carnivorous—
A Flesh eating animalsÞमाँस खाने वाला

2.  Cascade—
A small waterfall or group of waterfalls flowing down a rocky hill sideÞपहाड़ से नीच गिरता हुआ झरना

3. Cataclysm—
sudden and violent changeÞआचानक एवं विध्वंसक बदलाव

4.  Catalogue—
A list of booksÞकिताबों की सूची

5.  Cavalry—
Soldiers who fight on horseÞघुड़सवार सेना

6. Ceasefire—
An agreement between two countries or groups to stop fighting Þयुद्ध रोकने की आपसी सहमती

7.  Celibate—
One who is unmarried Þअविवाहित

8.  Cemetery—
Place of burial Þकब्रगाह

9.  Centenarian—
A person who has attained the ages of 100 years or more Þ100 साल का

10. Centenary—
Celebration of a hundredth years, once a century Þसौ वर्ष पुरे होने का समारोह 

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