Wednesday, November 11, 2015

SSC Competitive Exams – General English Study Notes

01. Ballet—An artistic dance form performed to music using precise and highly formalized set steps- नृत्य नाटिका 

02. Bibliophile—A library- एक प्रकार का पुस्तकालय 


03. Biennial—Taking place every other year; Living or lasting for two years (especially of a plant) - दो साल में एक बार द्विवर्षिक

04. Bisque—A rich, creamy soup typically made with shellfish- एक प्रकार का सूप 

05. Blizzard—A severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibilityबर्फ का तेज तूफान 

06. Bouquet—An attractively arranged bunch of flowers-फूलों का गुलदस्ता 

07. Buffet—A meal consisting of several dishes from which guests serve themselves- स्वयं के व्यंजनों को लिया जाने वाला भोज 

08. Callous—A man devoid of kind feeling and sympathy-संवेदनहीन 

09. Cannibal—Somebody who eats human flesh- मनुष्य का माँस खानेवाला 

10. Caricature—A picture of a person or thing drawn in such a highly exaggerated manner as to cause laughter-किसी व्यक्ति या चीज का कार्टून 

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