1. Cenotaph —
A tomblike monument to someone buried elsewhere, especially one commemorating people who died in a warÞस्मारक
2. Centaury —
A widely distributed herbaceous plant of the gentian familyÞएक प्रकार का पौधा
3. Centennial —
Of or relating to a hundredth anniversary Þसौवीं सालगिरह से संबंधित
4. Centurion—
The commander of a century in the ancient Roman armyÞसौ सेनिकों के दल का सेनापति
5. Chauffeur —
A person employed to drive a private carÞकर का निजी चालक
6. Clique—
A small, exclusive group of people; coterie Þअपने स्वार्थो के लिए बना लोगों का एक छोटा समूह
7. Cocktail—
An alcoholic drink consisting of a spirit or several spirits mixed with other ingredients, such as fruitjuice, lemonade, or creamÞविभिन्न प्रकार के पेय पदार्थो एवं शराब के मिश्रण से बनाये जाने वाला
8. Coffle—
A line of animals or slaves fastened or driven along togetherÞजंजीरों से बंधे गुलामों या जानवरों का समूह
9. Colony—
A group of people of one nationality or ethnic group living in a foreign city or country Þकिसी दुसरे देश में रहने वाले लोगों का समुदाय
10. Complacent —
Showing satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements Þआत्म-सन्तुष्ट
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