Ques. : 1 Who won the Italian Grand Prix F1 championship on 6 Sep?
1) Lewis Hamilton
2) Sebastian Vettel
3) Felipe Massa
4) Valtteri Bottas
5) Kimi Raikkonen
Ques. : 2 Name the author who has been selected for the prestigious 2014 National Humanities Medal to be presented by the US President Barack Obama.
1) Anita Desai
2) Amitav Ghosh
3) Kiran Desai
4) Arundhati Roy
5) Jhumpa Lahiri
Ques. : 3 Chandra Bahadur Dangi, who died at 75 recently, was verified by the Guinness Book of Records as the world’s
1) shortest man
2) tallest man
3) heaviest man
4) lightest man
5) None of these
Ques. : 4 The G20 and OECD has announced new corporate governance principles for listed companies and regulators in all member countries. OECD is headquartered in
1) New York
2) Manila
3) Tokyo
4) Paris
5) London
Ques. : 5 The book titled “Combating Hunger and Achieving Food Security” has been authored by who among the following?
1) Jayant Narlikar
2) CNR Rao
3) Anil Kakodkar
4) Raghunath Anant Mashelkar
5) MS Swaminathan
Ques. : 6 Which of the following states has decided to provide training to over 50,000 employees as part of its Key Result Area (KRA) programme to enhance their performance?
1) Gujarat
2) Madhya Pradesh
3) Odisha
4) Uttar Pradesh
5) Maharashtra
Ques. : 7 The G20 has launched W20 grouping having 20 women leaders from member nations. The new grouping will host its first summit in Oct in
1) Rome, Italy
2) New Delhi, India
3) Istanbul, Turkey
4) Buenos Aires, Argentina
5) Shanghai, China
Ques. : 8 The veteran allrounder Shane Watson announced on 6 Sep his retirement from Test cricket. He played for
1) England
2) Australia
3) South Africa
4) New Zealand
5) West Indies
Ques. : 9 In India 5 Sep is observed as National Teachers Day while the World Teachers day is celebrated on
1) 5 Oct
2) 5 Nov
3) 5 Dec
4) 5 Jan
5) 5 Mar
Ques. : 10 Aadesh Shrivastava, who died of cancer on 5 Sep, was a popular
1) music composer and singer
2) author
3) bollywood actor
4) director and producer
5) None of these
1. 1)
2. 5)
3. 1)
4. 4)
5. 5)
6. 5)
7. 3)
8. 2)
9. 1)
10. 1)
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