Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Geography Quiz: Latitudes

Q.1 Horse latitudes lie within the atmosphere pressure belts of
1) Equatorial low
2) Polar high
3) Sub-tropical high
4) Sub-polar low
Q.2 How many kilometres are represented by 1° latitude?
1) 91 km
2) 321 km
3) 211 km
4) 111 km
Q.3 Global positioning system (GPS) is associated with
1. determining latitude and longitude
2. constellation of satellites
3. US system of GPS and Russian system of GLONASS
4. navigation 
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
1) 1 and 4 only
2) 1, 2 and 4 only
3) 2 and 3 only
4) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Q.4 The latitude is the angular distance of a point on the Earth's surface, north or south, of the Equator as measured from the:
1) Centre of the Earth
2) Equator
3) Tropic of Cancer or the Capricorn
4) Poles
Q.5 The latitude of a place is expressed by its angular distance in relation to -
1) North Pole
2) Equator
3) South Pole
4) Axis of the Earth
Q.6 Which of the following are horse latitudes ?
1) 30°to 35°latitudes in both the hemispheres
2) 10°North latitude
3) 60°latitude
4) None of the above

Q.7 When we consider 15 degree meridian on a world map or globe and count them in an eastward direction starting with Greenwich meridian (0 degree), we find that the time of this meridian is-
1) 1 hour fast
2) same as Greenwich
3) 1 hour slow
4) 12 hours fast
Q.8 'EI Nino' associated with the formation of the South West Monsoon of India is
1) a periodic law pressure centre
2) an abnormally warm ocean current
3) a periodic warm air-mass
4) a periodic warm wind
Q.9 The thermal equator is found
1) at the equator
2) at the Tropic of Cancer
3) north of the geographical equator
4) south of the geographical equator

Q.10 Which one among the following statements is correct?
1) In winter season, the duration of day is more in northern hemisphere
2) In summer season, the duration of day is more in northern hemisphere
3) In summer season, the duration of day is less in northern hemisphere
4) In winter season, the duration of day is less in southern hemisphere
1.( 3)
2. (4)
3. (1)
4. (2)
5. (2)
6. (1)
7. (1)
8. (2)
9. (3)

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