Wednesday, November 11, 2015


 Q.1 The Earth revolves around the Sun in an elliptical path and the Sun is located at one focus of the ellipse. Imagine a situation in which the Earth goes around the Sun on a circular path. Which one among the following would result in under that situation?
1) Difference between seasons will be reduced
2) It would not make any difference
3) The Earth would become very hot
4) The Earth would become very cold
Q.2 Asia has large areas of inland drainage. Why is it so?
1) It is a very large continent
2) Rainfall is seasonal and scanty
3) There are a number of inter-montane plateaus
4) River channels are obstructed by lava flows
Q.3 In the interior of the Earth
1) the temperature rises with increasing depth
2) the temperature falls with increasing depth
3) the pressure falls with increasing depth
4) both temperature and pressure fall with increasing depth
Q.4 Which one among the following statements is correct?
1) In winter season, the duration of day is more in northern hemisphere
2) In summer season, the duration of day is more in northern hemisphere
3) In summer season, the duration of day is less in northern hemisphere
4) In winter season, the duration of day is less in southern hemisphere

Q.5 What is the similarity between Milwaukee Deep, Java Trench and Challenger Deep?
1) They are the deepest points of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, respectively
2) They all are trenches in the Pacific Ocean
3) They all are trenches in the Indian Ocean
4) They all are deeps of the Atlantic Ocean
Q.6 To a perpendicular to the plane of ecliptic, the Earth's axis of rotation makes an angle of 231/2 degrees. Had this angle been 0 degree, which one among the following would result?
1) There would have been no seasons
2) The length of day and night would have been the same throughout the year
3) The length of the day and night would have been the same all over the earth
4) All of these
Q.7 Jet streams are usually found in the:
1) Ozonosphere
2) Mesosphere
3) Tropopause
4) Ionosphere
Q.8 The exceptionally high and low tides that occur at the time of the new moon or the full moon when the Sun, the Moon and the earth are approximately aligned is called:
1) Spring
2) Fall
3) Neap
4) Diurnal
Q.9 What is the general direction of cyclones formed in the bay of Bengal?
1) East to West
2) West to East
3) West to South
4) North to South
Q.10 The Narmada river in the Peninsular plateau flows westward with a remarkably straight channel. It is because the:
1) slope gradient in this part controls the river channel pattern.
2) river carries a huge amount of water which has created a straight channel course
3) river forms the boundary between the Central Highlands and the Deccan Plateau
4) river flows through the trough of a rift valley inclined westward
1) 1
2) 2
3) 1
4) 2
5) 1
6) 3
7) 1
8) 1
9) 1

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