Monday, December 8, 2014

Questions from 7 December 2014 IBPS Clerk Exam- Morning Shift

1. Full form of GDP? - Gross domestic product
2. Who is the present Union Environment Minister? - Prakash Javadekar
3. Shortcut to make bold in MS Office? - Cntrl+B
4. Capital of Malaysia? - Kuala Lumpur
5. Headquarters of UNICEF? - New York City
6. Full form of DVD? - Digital Versatile Disc
7. Who was named captain of ICC ODI Team of the year recently? - MS Dhoni
8. Ritu Rani is related to which sports? - Hockey
9. National Education Day was observed on? - 11 November
10. Incheon has recently hosted which games? - Asian Games 2014
11. Currency of Japan? - Japanese yen
12. One byte has how many bits? - 8 bits
13. EPROM full form? - Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
14. Non-Banking Financial Companies are regulated by? -RBI
15. VDU full form? - Video Display Unit
16. GUI Full form? - Graphical user interface
17. Which country is the largest flower producer in the world? - China
18. Regional rural banks are sponsored by how many commercial banks? - 5
19. Gaofen-2 staellite belongs to which country? - China
20. Deadline given by Government for UIDAI to generate 100 crore Aadhaar numbers? - 2015
21. ARSAT satellite which was launched recently is the first satellite of which country? - Argentina
22. Which symbol entered in excel cell is considered to be formula? - = (equal to)
23. PNG full form? - Portable Network Graphics
24. Java is a ___ language? - Programming
25. MS DOS is what? - Command line interface
26. Madisen Square Guard Stadium is at? - New York, USA
27. Vikram Sarabhai Space Center is at? - Tiruvanathapuram, Kerala
28. KIRAN scheme is made for? - Women Scientists
29. Operation “Megh Rahat “ is related to? - Jammu and kAshmir Floods
30. Former CJI P.Satha sivam was recently appointed as a Governor to which State? - Kerala
31.  International Children’s Peace Prize 2014 won by which Indian? - Neha Gupta
32. In a Network, Data transmitted generally in the form of? - Packets
33. Hardware from given options? - Mouse
34. Sending & Receiving is performed by? - MODEM

35. If our system gets hanged which key combination we press to activate Task Manager? - Ctrl+Alt+Del

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