Monday, December 8, 2014

IBPS Clerk Exam Questions: 7th December 2014 (Evening Shift)

1. Capital of Fiji? - Suva
2. Full form of NEFT? - National Electronic Funds Transfer
3. Currency of New Zealand? - New Zealand dollar
4. Name the Union Minister for Rural Development? - Chaudhary Birender Singh
5. Asian Games 2018 will be held in? - Jakarta, Indonesia
6. Sardar Singh is related to which sports? - Hockey
7. World Standards Day is observed on? - October 14
8. Nobel Prize in economics for 2014 was won by? - Jean Tirole
9. IRNSS-1C staellite belongs to which country? - India
10. Kisan Vikas Patra is what type of scheme? - Savings Scheme
11. Headquarters of Asian Development Bank? - Manila, Philippines
12. Full form of ISDN? - Integrated Services Digital Network
13. Full form of WAN? - Wide Area Network
14. WHO headquarters? - Geneva
15. Full form of html? - Hypertext Markup Language
16. Function og Cntrl+ 2 in excel? - Make Bold
17. Which Indian Film was selected for OSCAR 2015 in foreign film category? - Liar's Dice
18. Linux is a? - Open Source Operating System
19. GST full form? - Goods and Services Tax
20. Head of 14th Finance Commission? - Y V Reddy
21. Chairman of National Disaster Management Authority? - Prime Minister
22. Hudhud operation name? - Operation Lehar
23. SDR Full form? - Special Drawing Rights
24. Aim of Prime Minister Jan Dhan Yojna? - Financial Inclusion
25. BCSBI code is by whom? - RBI
26. Typhoon VongFong recently stuck which country? - Japan
27. Kalraj Mishra, who is the Minister of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) is from which constituency? - Deoria constituency

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