Thursday, August 20, 2015

GK : QUIZ for SSC (Physics)

1. Which instrument is used to measure altitudes in aircraft's ?
A.  Audiometer
B.  Ammeter
C.  Altimeter
D.  Anemometer

2. Which instrument is used to measure depth of ocean ?
A.  Galvanometer
B.  Fluxmeter
C.  Endoscope
D.  Fathometer

3. Name of the instrument to measure atomspheric pressure ?
A.  Barometer
B.  Barograph
C.  Bolometer
D.  Callipers

4. Which instrument is used to measure the power of electric circuit ?
A.  Voltmeter
B.  Wattmeter
C.  Wavemeter
D.  Viscometer

5. Which instrument is used in submarine to see the objects above sea level ?
A.  Pykometer
B.  Polygraph
C.  Photometer
D.  Periscope

6. Which instrument is used to measure curvature of spherical objects ?
A.  Spectroscope
B.  Spherometer
C.  Spectrometer
D.  Sextant

7. Which instrument is used to record physical happenings at a distant place ?
A.  Thermostat
B.  Tonometer
C.  Telemeter
D.  Transponder

8. Which instrument is used to measure the scattering of light by particles suspended in a liquid ?
A.  Nephetometer
B.  Ohmmeter
C.  Ondometer
D.  Pyrometer

9. Which instrument is used to determine the intensity of colours ?
A.  Cathetometer
B.  Chronometer
C.  Colorimeter
D.  Commutator

10. Which instrument is used to measure changes in volume of substances ?
A.  Dyanamo
B.  Dilatometer
C.  Cyclotron
D.  Electroscope

ANSWER KEY: 1- (a), 2- (d), 3- (a), 4- (b), 5- (d), 6- (b), 7- (c), 8- (a),9-(c), 10- (b).

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