Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Reasoning Quiz For SSC Exam

Direction :(1-5): Which one set of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it?
1.    ac – cab – baca – aba – acac
(a)  aacb                            
(b) acbc
(c)  babb                            
(d) bcbb

2.    w_xw_x_ax_a_wa_
(a) axwxax                       
(b) aaawxa
(c) aawwxx                       
(d) axawax

3.    a _ba_bb_ab_a
(a) aaba                             
(b) baab
(c) baaa                             
(d) abab
4.    r_sr_tsrrt_rr_sr
(a) ttss                               
(b) tsts
(c) trst                                
(d) sstt
5.    __ stt __  tt __ tts__
(a) tsst                               
(b) sstt
(c) ttst                                
(d) tsts

Directions (6-10): A series is given, with one terms missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

6.    9, 27, 31, 155, 161, 1127,?
(a) 316                               
(b) 1135          
(c) 1288                             
(d) 2254
7.    2, 3, 3, 5, 10, 13, ?, 43, 172, 177
(a) 23                                 
(b) 38              
(c) 39                                 
(d) 40  
8.    4, 18, 48, 100, 180, 294,?
(a) 416                               
(b) 448
(c) 512                               
(d) 384              
9.    505, 528, 574, 643, 735, (?)
(a) 850                               
(b) 888            
(c) 812                               
(d) 618
10.  33, 28, 24, ?, 19,18
(a)  21                                
(b) 22
(c)  20                                
(d) 23

1.    (a): Pattern of series: acac/abab/acac/abab/acac.

2.    (c): Pattern of series: Wax/Wax/Wax/Wax/Wax.

3.    (b): Pattern of series: abba/abba/abba.

4.    (c): Pattern of series: rtsr/rtsr/rtsr/rtsr.

5.    (a): Pattern of series: tst/tst/tst/tst

6.    (b): The pattern is x3, + 4, x5, +6, x 7 … So, missing term = 1127 + 8 = 1135.

7.    (c): The pattern is +1, x1, +2, x2, +3, x3, +4, x4, +5. So, missing term = 13 x 3 = 39.

8.    (b):4=2*2, 18=3*6 , 48=4*12, 100=5*20, 180=6*30, 294=7*42
Similarly: 448=8*56

9.    (a): Pattern of series
   505,        528,     574,     643,     735,        (850)
             +23         +46          +69      +92       +115
10.   (a): Pattern of series:
33-5 =28, 28-4 = 24, 24-3 = 21, 21-2 = 19, 19-1 = 18

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