Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Night Class: Reasoning Quiz

Directions : Read the following information carefully and answer the question that follow :

The city residents are facing an increase in noise pollution levels, a survey conducted by a newspaper. The rise in pollution level can be attributed to increase in industrial units, traffic jams and blaring loudspeakers. Silence zones such as hospitals and schools are the worst affected areas.
A) There is no agency in city to monitor noise pollution.
B) The increasing noise levels continue to cause health hazard.
C) The authorities haven't received any complaints.
D) The city authorities, will take action against violators.
E) Noise pollution on the rise in city.

1. Which of the following among A), B), C), D) and E) can be an assumption of the given information ?
1) Only B 
2) Only D 
3) Both A and C 
4) Only E 
5) Both C and E

2. Which of the following among A), B), C), D) and E) may be the consequence of the given information ?
1) Only D 
2) Only E 
3) Both B and C 
4) Both D and A 
5) Only B

3. Which of the following among A), B), C), D) and E) can be an effective course of action to control noise pollution ?
1) Both A and B 
2) Only E 
3) Both B and C 
4) Only D 
5) Both C and E

Directions: Read the following information carefully and answer the question that follow :

Predictably, more than half of all traders believed that the government had not done enough to mitigate the effect of economic slowdown. The 2009 recession coupled with scamp tumbling out of government closet, have unsurprisingly made traders in India pessimistic and dejected. Most of the traders believe corruption has eaten in-to the system and that it was so spread that it was beyond their power and that of the common man to fight it.

A) Corruption had eaten the core of the system.
B) Lokpal is necessary for India.
C) Corruption is an in escapable reality.
D) Sitting up a mechanism to prevent corruption.
E) Government has failed to tackle economic slowdown and corruption.

4. Which of the following among A), B), C), D) and E) can be inferred from the given information ?
1) Both A and B 
2) Only D 
3) Both B and E 
4) Only E 
5) Both B and E

5. Which of the following among A), B), C), D) and E) can be an effective step ?
1) Only D 
2) Only B 
3) Both A and B 
4) Both B and D 
5) None of these

6. Which of the following among A), B), C) and D) can be an assumption of the given information ?
1) Both A and C 
2) Only A 
3) Only C 
4) Both C and D 
5) None of these

Direction: Read the following information carefully and answer the given questions that follow :

Urban co-operative Banks (UCB) are set up as money-lending institution to provide loans for non-agriculture purposes in urban and semi-urban areas of country. Now UCBs comes under the scanner of RBI and enforcement agencies for being misused for money laundering purposes.

A) All UCBs are highly risky.
B) RBI should considering cancelling of licences of such errant Banks.
C) Complaints of UCB's involving in money-laundering is increased.
D) RBI making provision for narrow banking and restriction on lending money in UCBs.
E) UCBs should be shutdown. 

7. Which among the statements numbered A), B), C), D) and E) can be a strong argument in favour of RBI to prevent money laundering in UCBs ?
1) Only A 
2) Only B 
3) Both A and B 
4) Only D 
5) Both C and E

8. Which among the statements numbered A), B), C), D) and E) can be a course of action against the banks involved in money laundering ?
1) Only B 
2) Both B and C 
3) Only C 
4) Both D and E 
5) None of these

Directions: Read the following information carefully and answer the given questions that follows :

Passengers travelling abroad are facing difficulties in declaring the value of the gold they carry along. As per the procedure passenger needs to declare there gold they are carrying at the custom counter, but to do so they have to go Jhandewalan office for evaluating gold.
A) Passengers are generally not aware of the fact.
B) Airport packs gold evaluators at airport.
C) Many passengers go to attend wedding abroad.
D) Delhi airport has staff shortage.
E) Airport Authority is going to appoint an gold appraiser.

9. Which among the following statements numbered A), B), C), D) and E) may be the reasons for travellers woes ?
1) Only B 
2) Only A 
3) Only D 
4) Both B and D 
5) None of these

10. Which of the following statements numbered A), B), C), D) and E) can be a course of action for airport authorities?
1) Only D 
2) Both A and C 
3) Only E 
4) Both B and D 
5) None of these


1. 5; There is no valid assumption of the information if there is no increase in noise pollution there is no need of the given information or survey.

2.5; Increase in noise levels can prove harmful from the health prospective.

3. 4; Strict action against the violators can help to control the noise pollution.

4. 4; It is clear that the government is failed to control and prevent the economic slowdown and corruption.

5. 1; Building up a strong mechanism that prevent corruption is an effective step.

6. 2; It is obvious that corruption has badly effected the whole system and it is the soul assumption behind the information.

7. 4; Option D suggest that the RBI is taking such steps to control the money laundering in UCBs.

8. 2; Cancelling the licences of the Banks involved in the money laundering is considerable action.

9. 1; The problem arise because the airport authorities do not have gold evaluators at the airport.

10. 3; Appointing an gold appraiser would be a relief for both passenger and airport authorities.

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