Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Night Class: Reasoning Quiz

Directions : Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions :

Eight persons, viz S, T, U, V, W, X, Y and Z are sitting around a circular table facing the centre. Each of them has a different hobby, viz Singing, Acting, Dancing, Cycling, Swimming, Tracking, Painting and Reading, not necessarily in the same order. S, who likes reading, sits third to the left of W. The one who likes painting sits on the immediate right of S. V, who likes acting, sits second to the right of T. T is not on immediate neighbour of W. U, who likes dancing, sits exactly in the middle of the persons whom hobbies are swimming and painting. Y who likes singing, sits second to the left of Z, who likes tracking.

1. Which of the following pair represent the immediate neighbours of the person whose hobby is acting ?
1) T W 
2) U Y 
3) S Z 
4) T Z 
5) W Y

2. How many people sit between S and the person whose hobby is cycling when counted clockwise ?
1) None 
2) One 
3) Two 
4) Three 
5) Four

3. What is the position of T with respect to the position of the person whose hobby is swimming ?
1) Third to the left 
2) Fourth to the right 
3) Fifth to the left 
4) Second to the right 
5) Second to the left

4. Who exactly sits between Y and Z ?
1) S 
2) T 
3) U 
4) V 
5) W

5. Who sits on the immediate left of the X ?
1) T 
2) U 
3) V 
4) S 
5) None of these

6. Whose hobby is tracking ?
1) Z 
2) X 
3) U 
4) T 
5) None of these

7. Varun walks 10m. towards west, then turn to his right and walks 5 meter and turns to his left and walks 2 m. and meet his friend. Then, again turns to his left and walks 5m. What is the shortest distance between his starting point and where he meets his friend ?
1) 12 m. 
2) 13 m. 
3) 11 m. 
4) 14 m. 
5) None of these

8. Deepika is sister of Kumud. Mohit is brother of Kumud. Tina is mother of Reena, who is sister of Mohit. Pramod is father of Kumud. At least how many daughter does Pramod have ?
1) One 
2) Two 
3) Three 
4) Four 
5) None of these

9. Which of the following expression will be true if the expression-?
 G = Q < S  B > C > I is definitely true?
1) Q>C 
2) I > G 
3) G = Q 
4) Q < B 
5) None of these

10. Which of the following symbols should replace the question mark (?) in the given expression in order to make the expressions A< P as well as B > D definitely true?
 B = T > A ? D  C
1) < 
3) > 
4) Either 2) or 3) 
5) None of these


1. 3; 
2. 3; 
3. 4; 
4. 2; 
5. 4;

6. 1;

7. 2; Distance travelled by Varun shown in fig. i.e.
DC = EB = 2m.
EA = EB + BA = 10 + 2 = 12m
Triangle(DEA) is right angled at E.
DA^2 = DE^2 + EA^2
DA = sqroot(DE^2 + EA^2)
DA = 13m

8. 2
Sex of Kumud is unknown So, Pramod at least have two daughters.

9. 5
Option (3) is re-statement and only option (4) can be
concluded as ‘<‘ supersedes ‘‘. Hence, Q < B.


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