Thursday, July 23, 2015

Night Class: Quant Quiz

Direction: Following line graph shows the percentage growth in population of six cities A, B, C, D, E and F from 2011 to 2012 and 2012 to 2013.

1. If the population of City A is 5.4 lakh in year 2011 then what will be its population in year 2013.
1) 7.842 lakh
2) 8.424 lakh
3) 8.765 lakh
4) 9.168 lakh
5) None of these

2. What is the percentage increase in population of city C from year 2011 to year 2013.
1) 15%
2) 22.5%
3) 30%
4) 32.25%
5) 33.5%

3. If the population of city E and City D are equal in year 2012 then the population of city E is approximately what percentage of population of city D in 2013.
1) 86.2%
2) 96%
3) 104%
4) 116%
5) 124%

4. If the population of city-F in year 2013, is 16.848 lakh then what was its population in year 2011 ?
1) 7.8 lakh
2) 8.4 lakh
3) 9.6 lakh
4) 10.2 lakh
5) 11.4 lakh

5. If the population of city-B and city-D in year 2011 are equal to 6 lakh then what will be the difference between population of city-D in 2013 and population of city-B in 2013 ?
1) 75500
2) 97400
3) 112500
4) 137600
5) 148500

Directions : What will be the next number in the following number series-

6. 3, 8, 34, 206, 1650, ?
1) 16502
2) 17124
3) 17316
4) 18212
5) 18946

7. 4, 10, 18, 28, 40, ?
1) 48
2) 52
3) 54
4) 56
5) 58

8. 7, 61, 211, 505, 991, ?
1) 1512
2) 1587
3) 1643
4) 1717
5) 1751

9. 842, 425, 147, 42.75, ?
1) 12.15
2) 14.95
3) 16.35
4) 18.75
5) 20.25

10. 8.8, 35.2, 76.8, 134.4, 208, ?
1) 297.6
2) 312.4
3) 320.8
4) 324
5) 336.2

1. 2
A2013 = 540000 * 120/100 * 130/100 = 842400

2. 4
Let the population in year 2011 = 100
Population 2013 = 100 * 115/100 * 115/100 = 132.25
% increase = 32.25%

3. 4
Let the population of D & E by x in year 2012
D2013 = x * 125/100 = 1.25x

E2013 = x * 145/100 = 1.45x

Req % = 1.45x/1.25x * 100 = 116%

4. 3
F2011 = 1684800 * 100/130 * 100/135 = 960000

5. 3
D2013 = 600000 * 135/100 * 125/100 = 1012500

B2013 = 600000 * 125/100 * 120/100 = 900000

Diff = 1012500 - 900000 = 112500

6. 1; Series is ×2 + 2, ×4 + 2, ×6 + 2
7. 3; Series is + 6, +8, +10, +12 ---------
8. 4; Series is 23 - 1, 43 -3, 63
- 5, 83 - 7
9. 2; Series is + 8 ÷ 2, +16 ÷ 3, +24 ÷4 ------
10. 1; Series is 8 × 1.1, 16 × 2.2, 24 × 3.2, 32 × 4.2

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