Thursday, July 23, 2015

GATEWAY TO CGL MAINS 2015 : Quant Quiz

1.What is the sum of the digits of the least number which when divided by 52, leaves 33 as remainder, when divided by 78 leaves 59 and when divided by 117, leaves 98 as remainder? 
(a) 17 
(b) 18 
(c) 19 
(d) 21 

2.The remainder on dividing given integers a and b by 7 are respectively 5 and 4. What is the remainder when ab is divided by 7? 
(a) 3 
(b) 4 
(c) 5 
(d) 6 
3.A difference between the interest received from two different banks on Rs. 400/- for 2 years in Rs. 4/-. What is the difference between their rates? 
(a) 0.5% 
(b) 0.2% 
(c) 0.23% 
(d) 0.52% 

4.A milk vendor bought 28 L of milk at the cost of Rs. 8.50 per L. After adding some water, he sold the mixture at the same price. If he gains 12.5% how much water did he add? 
(a) 5.5 L 
(b)  4.5 L
(c) 3.5 L 
(d) 2.5 L 
5.By giving 25% discount a trader earns 25% profit. If the sells the items at 10% discount, what is his profit? 
(a) 10% 
(b) 40% 
(c) 45% 
(d) 50% 
6.The speed of a boat in still water is 11 km/h. It can go 12 km upstream and return downstream to the engine point in 2 h 45 min. What is the speed of stream? 
(a) 5 km/h 
(b) 4 km/h 
(c) 3 km/h 
(d) 2 km/h
7.A sum of Rs. 24,000/- is borrowed for 1 ½ year at the rate of interest 10% per annum compounded semi-annually. What is the compound interest (x)? 
(a). x <Rs. 3,000/- 
(b) Rs. 3, 000/- < x <Rs. 4,000/- 
(C)Rs. 4, 000 < x <Rs. 5, 000 
(d) x >Rs. 5, 000/- 

8.A person spends 30% of monthly salary on rent, 25% on food, 20% on children’s education and 12% on electricity and the balance of Rs. 1,040/- on the remaining items. What is the monthly salary of the person? 
(a) Rs. 8, 000/- 
(b) Rs. 9, 000/- 
(c) Rs. 9, 600/- 
(d) Rs.  10, 600/- 

9.A bonus of Rs. 9, 85, 000/- was divided among 300 workers of a factory. Each male worker gets Rs. 5000/- and each female worker gets Rs. 2,500/-. Find the number of male workers in the factory. 
(a) 253 
(b) 47 
(c) 94 
(d) 206 
10.A and B can together finish a work in 30 days. They worked together for 20 days and then B left. After another 20 days A finished the remaining work. In how many days can A alone finish the job? 
(b) 60 
(c) 48 
(d) 54 

Answers and Solution
1.(a) Here, 52 – 33 = 78 – 59 = 117 – 98 = 19
Required number = (LCM of 52, 78 and 117) – 19
= 468 – 19 => 449
Sum of digits = 4 + 4 + 9 = 17

2.(d) Let a = 7p + 5
=> b = 7q + 4
Where p and q are natural numbers.
ab = (7p + 5) (7q + 4)
= 49pq + 7(4p + 5q) + 20
= 7(7pq + 4p + 5q) + 7 ×2+6
When ab is  divided by 7, remainder will be 6.

3.(a) 4 = (400 ×2 (r1- r2 ))/100 => r1 - r2 =1/2=0.5%

4.(c) Total C.P of milk = 28 * 8.50 = Rs. 238/-
Profit = 12.5/100 * 238 = Rs. 29.75/-
Now according to question,
Let x L of water to be added.
Profit = x * 8.5
29. 75 = x * 8.5
x = 3.5L
8.(a) Let the monthly salary of the person be Rs. x.
According to question.
(x *(100-30-25-20-12))/100=1040
(x *13)/100 = 1040
=> x = (1040 ×100)/13
10.(b) (A + B)’s 1 days work = 1/30
(A+ B)’s 20 days work = 20/30 = 2/3
Remaining work = 1- 2/3 = 1/3
so A alone can do the work in 20 x 3 = 60 days.

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