Tuesday, July 21, 2015

GATEWAY TO CGL MAINS 2015 : Quant Quiz

1. A trader bought fifty bags of rice from a farmer at Rs. 750  per bag with each bag of rice weighing 100 kg. He repacked them in bags of rice that weighed 80 kg each and sold each of them at Rs. 800 per bag. The profile percentage of the trader is
(a) 25% 
(b) 33 1/3%
(c) 40% 
(d) 46 2/3%

2. Pipe A can fill a tank of capacity 500 litres in 40 minutes .Another pipe B can fill the tank in 50 minutes where as pipe C can empty the tank in two hours 80 minutes. Pipe A was opened first for ten minutes and it was then closed.Pipe B was opened for the next ten minutes and closed.Then pipe C was opened for ten minutes and was then closed. A, B and C then continued working in rotation, in  the same order for ten minutes each till the tank was filled. Find the total time taken for the tank to be full. 
(a) 48 minutes 
(b) 54 minutes
(c) one hour
(d) one hour 8 minutes

3.The average weight of a group of seven friends is 42 kg.If a particular person joins the group, the average weight of the group will increase by three kgs. The weight of theperson is_____________.
(a) 66 kg 
(b) 68 kg
(c) 70 kg 
(d) 72 kg

4. Kishan borrowed Rs. 12,000 at simple interest for one year at a rate of interest of 8% p.a. He lent the borrowed sum at 12% p.a. for one year at simple interest. What is the net gain to Kishan by the end of l year?
(a) Rs. 480 
(b) Rs. 600
(c) Rs. 720 
(d)Rs. 840
5.Three men can finish a piece work in four days, five women can finish the work in five days and eight boys can finish the work in ten days. The number of days taken by six men, five women and 24 boys together to finish the work is .
(a) five 
(b) four
(c) two 
(d) one

6.A two digit number is reversed and then added to the original number. The sum obtained is divisible by 9.If the original number is divisible by 5, then the original number is
(a) 45 
(b) 90
(c) 55 
(d) Either (a) or (b)
7.Karan distributed a certain amount to his two sons and a friend such that the friend gets half of the share that each son gets. After distributing, he is left with an amount which is one third of the share that each son got. If the friend got Rs.60,000 more than what is finally left with Karan, then find the value of the initial amount with Karan.
(a) Rs. 8,40,000 
(b) Rs. 10,20,000
(c) Rs. l2,40,000 
(d) Rs. l4,60,000

8.The ratio of the number of males and females in a hall is 3 : 2. Later three women entered the hall and three men left the hall. The ratio then changed to ll : 9. Find the total number of people present in the hall initially. 
(a) 60 
(b) 72 
(c) 90 
(d) 120

9.A policeman, on petrol duty, war travelling on a t-lane highway. The lanes, meant for trafic in opposite directions were divided by a median. At 9.00 am, he observed a thief going in the opposite direction at a speed of 45 kmph. It took ten minutes for the policeman to find a gap in the median on the road and start chasing the thief.The thief was 2.4 km ahead of the policeman when the policeman started chasing the thief. The policeman caught the thief at 9:30 am. His speed was .
(a) 48 kmph
(b) 50 kmph
(c) 51.4 kmph
(d) 52.2 kmph

10.A mixture of sugar and rice flour contains sugar and rice flour in the ratio of 3 : 2. Another mixture of sugar and rice flour contains sugar and rice flour in the ratio of 2 : l.40 kg of the first mixture is mixed with 30 kg of the second mixture. The quantity of sugar in the resultant mixture is 
(a) 38 kg 
(b) 40 kg
(c) 42 kg 
(d) 44 kg
3.(a) Let x kg be the weight of the person.
=> 7 * 42 + x = 8 * (42 + 3)
=> 294 + x = 360
=> x = 360 – 294 = 66 kg
so The weight of the new person is 66 kg.

4.(a) The net gain to Kishan is only through interest by the end of the first year. His net gain
= 12, 000 [(12 ×1)/100- (8 ×1)/100] = 12, 000× 4/100 = Rs. 480.
8.(a) Let the initial number of males be 3x and the initial number of females be 2x.
After three women joined and three men left, the ratio was 11 : 9.
=> (3x- 3)/(2x+3 )=11/9
=> 9(3x – 3) = 11 (2x + 3)
=> 27x – 27 = 22x + 33
=> x = 12
so Total number of people present in the hall initially
=> (3 + 2) 12 = (5)(12) = 60
10.(d) Quantity of sugar in first mixture = 3/5 * 40 kg = 24 kg
Quantity of sugar in second mixture = 2/3 * 30 = 20 kg
so Total quantity of sugar in the resultant mixture
= 24 kg + 20 kg = 44 kg.

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