Friday, July 24, 2015

Banking Pathway 2015 : Reasoning Quiz

Directions :- In the following questions a fact/situation is given followed by two suggested courses. A course of action is a step of administrative decision taken for improvement
or follow- up action. Read the situation and then decide which of the given courses of action follows.
Give answer,
(a) if only course of action I follows
(b) if only course of action II follows
(c) if both the course of action follow
(d) if neither follows
(e) If the data given is inadequate i.e., if in the light of the given information. It cannot be asserted with certainty whether a course of action follows or not.

1) Statement : A leading US multinational engineering and construction firm is keen to invest in India in a variety of sectors ranging from power to land management.
Courses of Action :
I) Such multinational companies should not be allowed to operate in India.
II) India should encourage multinational companies from other developed countries to invest in power sectors to bring in competitive climate.

2) Statement : The Government could consider the possibility of increasing the software budget from the current Rs. 20 crore to Rs. 100 crore in the Eighth Plan, provided there are concrete suggestions for the utilisation of the funds.
Courses of Action :
I) The Government should consult the trade unions in this regard.
II) Software companies should submit detailed proposals to the Government.

3) Statement : Inspite of the Principal's repeated warnings a child was caught exploding crackers secretly in the school.
Courses of Action:
I) All the crackers should be taken away from the child and he should be threatened not to do it again.
II) the child should be severely punished for his wrong act.

4) Statement : Most of the children in India are not able to get education, because they get employed to earn livelihood in their childhood only.
Courses of Action :
I) Education should be made compulsory for all children up to the age of 14
II) Employment of children below the age of 14 years, should be banned

5) Statement : The Central Bureau of Investigation receives the complaint of an officer taking bribe to do the duty he is supposed to.
Courses of Action :
I ) CBI should try to catch the officer taking bribe red-handed and then take a strict action against him
II) CBI should wait for some more complaints about the officer to be sure about the matter.

6) Statement : The Finance Minister submits his resignation a month before the new budget is to be presented in the parliament.
Courses of Action :
I) The resignation should be accepted and another person should be appointed as the Finance Minister.
II) the resignation should not be accepted.

7) Statement : The Asian Development Bank has approved a $ 285 million loan to finance a project to construct coal ports by Paradip and Madras Port Trusts.
Courses of Action :
I) India should use financial assistance from other international financial organisations to develop such ports in other places.
II) India should not seek such financial assistance from the international financial agencies

8) Statement : Orissa and Andhra Pradesh have agreed in principle to set up a joint control board for better control management and productivity of several inter-state multipurpose projects.
Courses of Action :
I) Other neighbouring states should set up such control boards.
II) The proposed control board should not be allowed to function as such joint boards are always ineffective.

9) Statement : Certian mining industries in Gujarat may come to a standstill because of the notification issued by the Department of Environment and Forest banning mining operations and industries alike within 25 kms of National park, the game sanctuary and reserve forest areas.
Courses of Action :
I) The department should be asked to immediately withdraw the notification.
II) The Government should make effort to shift the parks, sanctuaries and reserve forests to other non-mining areas.

10) Statement : The Indian electronic component industry venturing into the west European markets faces tough competition from the Japanese.
Courses of Action :
I) India should search for other international markets for its products.
II) India should improve the quality of the electronic components to complete with the Japanese in capturing these markets.

1) b
Clearly, financing is the major problem in starting any project. The investment by multinational companies shall, therefore, be a way to development. So course II should follow.

2) b
The suggestions shall be offered to the Government only through detailed proposals by software Companies. Hence II follows.

3) b
Since the act has been repeated despite various warnings, course I would only be another warning and would not help. Severe punishment to set example to him and others is inevitable. Thus II follows.

4) e
To educate all children enforcement of education is necessary . Also, the reason is that they are employed. So , ban on such employment is also needed. Thus both the courses follow.

5) a
One complaint is enough for a wrong doing. This should be confirmed by catching the guilty red- should be handed and strict action taken against him. So only course I follows.

6) b
An already working Finance Minister shall know better all the plans and resources of the Government and he alone can present a suitable budget. So course II should be followed.

7) a
Such projects shall be an asset and a source of income to the country later on. So course I shall follow

8) a
The effectiveness of such control boards is established by the fact that Orissa and A.P have agreed to it for better control of its multipurpose projects. Hence only I follows.

9) d
None follows. Firstly , the notification is issued to promote the natural environment and so cannot be withdrawn and secondly, the sanctuaries etc cannot be shifted.

10) b
An escapists attitude does not help much. The need is to compete and emerge successful. So only II follows.

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