Thursday, July 23, 2015

Banking Pathway 2015 : English (Mix Quiz)

Directions (Q. 1-15): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out, each of which is indicated by a number. Find the suitable word from the options given against each number and fill up the blanks with appropriate words to make the paragraph meaningful.

Several studies have (1) that folks who (2) engage in mentally challenging activities—like reading, doing crossword puzzles or playing chess (3) less likely to (4) dementia later in life. The difficulty comes in figuring out (5) their good fortune is a direct (6) of their leisure activities or whether their continuing pursuit of these pleasures merely (7) good genes for cognitive function. 
A 20-year survey of 469 elderly people living in the Bronx, New York, tried to get to the (8) of this chicken or egg question by following subjects who (9) no signs of dementia in the first seven years of the study. The results. which were published in 2003, showed that reading and playing board games or a musical instrument was (10) with a decreased risk of Alzehimer's disease or other forms of dementia. (11), those with the strongest habits (12) the greatest benefits. Participants who solved crossword puzzles four days a week, for instance, had a 47% (13) risk of dementia than those who do the puzzles once a week.  By the same (14), several studies have suggested that older folks who are socially active — (15), for example, do volunteer work or attend religious services - have a reduced risk of dementia.

1) done 
2) performed
3) found 
4) led
5) ensured

1) seldom 
2) never 
3) absently 
4) reluctantly
5) regularly

1) seem 
2) have 
3) were
4) refrain
5) ascertain

1) cure
2) engage 
3) embarrass 
4) develop
5) form

1) that
2) low 
3) when
4) why
5) whether

1) goal
2) result 
3) measure
4) route
5) offer

1) encourages
2) reflects 
3) enhances
4) engenders
5) threats

1) height 
2) cause 
3) bottom 
4) dilemma 
5) Anxiety

1) had 
2) conceal 
3) reserve 
4) force 
5) accumulate 

1) bereft 
2) together 
3)  envisaged 
4) associated 
5) anticipated 

1)  Luckily 
2) Certainly 
3) Intriguingly 
4)  Unfortunately 
5) Obviously 

1)  targeted 
2) demonstrated 
3) desered
4) demanded 
5) expected 

1) more 
2) greatly 
3) sharper 
4) steeper 
5) lower 

1) token 
2) way 
3) analogy 
4) example 
5) author 

1) they 
2) always 
3) same 
4) who 
5) many 

Directions (16- 20): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error the answer is (5). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.) 

16. You may not know it 1)/ but this engine is 2) / claimed to have twice 3) / as powerful as the previous one. 4) / No error 5)

17. Nothing ever becomes real 1)/ till it is experienced. 2) / Even a proverb is no proverb to you 3)/ till your life has illustrated with it. 4)/ No error 5)

18. I remember my childhood days 1)/ when I was used to go 2) to the farm with my father 3) / and help him in his work. 4)/ No error 5)

19. I missed the last train 1) / which I usually catch 2) / and have to stay at the station 3) / on my way back home yesterday. 4) / No error 5)

20. Suresh babu, who is living 1) / in this town since 1955, 2)/ is a well-known scholar of history 3) / and a distinguished musician. 4) / No error 5)


1. (3)
2. (5)
3. (1)
4. (4)
5. (5)
6. (2)
7. (1)
8. (3)
9. (1)
10. (4)
11. (3)
12. (2)
13. (5)
14. (1)
15. (4)
16. (3)
17. (4)
18. (2)
19. (3)
20. (1)

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