Thursday, December 18, 2014

Reasoning Quiz

Directions (1 - 5): In each of the questions below are given three statements followed by four conclusions number I, II ,III and IV. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts. 

1. Statements: 
No mat is a fan.
Some fans are cars.
All cars are shirts.

I. All mats are not cars.
II. Only shirts are cars.
III. Some shirts are definitely fans.
IV. All shirts being mats is a possibility.

(1) Either II or IV and III follow
(2) II and III follow
(3) Only IV follows
(4) Only III follows
(5) None of these 

2. Statements: 
Some clips are copies.
Some copies are magazines.
No magazine is a dictionary.

I. No copies are dictionaries.
II. At least Some copies are dictionaries.
III. Some copies are not dictionaries.
IV. All clips are being magazine is a possibility.

3. Statements: 
Some headphones are earphones.
All earphones are telephones.
No telephone is a television

I. No earphones are televisions.
II. Some headphones are not televisions.
III. Some headphones are telephones.
IV. Some telephones are not televisions.

1) All follow 
2) Only I, II and III follow
3) Only II, III and IV follow 
4) Only I, III and IV follow
5) None of these

4. Statements: 
All tourists are politicians.
Some tourists are leaders.
Some politicians are ministers.

I. All leaders being ministers is a possibility
II. All leaders are not politicians.
III. Some ministers are not politicians.
IV. At least some politicians are not tourists

(1) None follows
(2) All follow
(3) I and II follows
(4) II and III follows
(5) None of these 

Some pots are keys.
Some keys are locks.
All keys are rings.

I. At least some pots are locks
II. Some pots are not locks.
III. All pots being rings is a possibility.
IV. All rings being keys is a possibility

(1) Either III or IV follows
(2) Either I or II follows
(3) Either I or II and III and IV follow
(4) None follows
(5) None of the above

Directions (6-10 ): Each of the questions below consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II are given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and 
Give answer (1): if the data in Statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
Give answer (2): if the data in Statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in Statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
Give answer (3): if the data in Statement I alone or in Statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.
Give answer (4): if the data in both the Statements I and lI are not sufficient to answer the question.
Give answer (5): if the data in both the Statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.

6. Who among five boys Abhishek, Rajesh, Karan, Nitin and Vikas, each having different height, is second to the tallest among them?
I. Only Rajesh is taller than Karan.
II. Nitin and Vikas are shorter than Abhishek.

7. How many sons does Anita have?
I. Anita is mother of X, who is brother of Y.
II. Anita’s daughter Nikita has only two brothers.

8. What is the code for ‘where’ in the code language?
I. In the code language ‘where is she’ is written as ‘ka mate’ and ‘she is good’ is written as ‘te ka ro’.
II. In the code language ‘where are you going’ is written as ‘lama pa je’ and ‘where is the girl’ is written as ‘cha fa mate’.

9. How many children are there in the row of children facing North?
I. Sangita is third from the left end of the row and is third to the left of Hasina.
II. Rakesh is fifth from the right end of the row and is third to the right of Hasina.

10. How is Nandini related to Santosh?
I. Nandini’s brother is the only grandson of Santosh’s father.
II. Nandini has only one brother.

Directions (11-13): Use the following information to answer these questions.
‘A + B’ means ‘A is father of B’.
‘A x B’ means ‘A is daughter of B’.
‘A ÷ B’ means ‘A is brother of B’.
‘A - B’ means ‘A is wife of B’.

11. In ‘L - M + K ÷ F’ how is ‘F related to ‘L’?
(1) Son
(2) Daughter
(3) Nephew
(4) Cannot be determined
(5) None of these

12. Which of the following expressions means ‘J is son of D’?
(1) D + L × H ÷ J
(2) J ÷ P × D
(3) J ÷ P – D
(4) T – D + J
(5) None of these

13. In ‘H + K × R’, how is ‘R’ related to ‘ H’?
(1) Husband
(2) Brother
(3) Wife
(4) Mother
(5) None of these

Directions (14-15): These questions are based on the following set of numbers.

348 436 652 198 563

14. If the first and the third digit in each number are interchanged, which number will be the smallest?
(1) 348
(2) 436
(3) 652
(4) 198
(5) 563

15. If the first two digits in each number are interchanged and then the newly formed numbers are arranged in descending order, which number will be second?
(1) 348 
(2) 436
(3) 652 
(4) 198
(5) 563

Solutions (1-5):




Solutions (6-10):

6. (1):
From I, only Rajesh is taller than Karan, i.e. Rajesh is the tallest and Karan is second to the tallest.
From II,
Abhishek > Nitin and Vikas

7. (2): From statement II we can say that Anita has two sons.

8. (3)

9. (5)

10. (4):
From I, the only grandson of Santosh’s father, i.e. Santosh’s son. Hence, Santosh is the father of Nandini but gender of Nandini is not clear, so Nandini is son or daughter is not clear.
From II, Nandini has only one brother. From this, the relation between Nandini and Santosh cannot be found.

Solutions (11-13):
11. (4):

12. (2):

13. (3):

Solutions (14-15):
14. (3)

15. (5)

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