Friday, December 19, 2014

Reasoning Quiz

Directions (1-5): In each of the questions below are given four statements followed by four conclusions numbered I, II, III and IV. You have to take the given statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the given statements disregarding commonly known facts.

1. Statements:
Some kings are jacks.
Some jacks are queens.
All kings are aces.
Some aces are queens.

I. All kings are queens.
II. Some aces are jacks.
III. Some jacks are not kings.
IV. Some queens are kings.

(1) Only II follows
(2) Only I and III follow
(3) Only I follows
(4) Only II and I follow
(5) None of these

2. Statements:
Some horses are riders.
All riders are lions.
Some lions are kings.
All kings are elephants.

I. Some elephants are horses.
II. Some lions are horses.
III. Some horses are not kings.
IV. Some elephants are lions.

(1) Only I and II follow
(2) Only II and III follow
(3) Only III and IV follow
(4) Only II and IV follow
(5) None of these

3. Statements:
All Bisleries are Aqua-guards.
Some Aqua-guards are Aqua-pure.
All Aquafinas are Bisleries.
No Bisleries is a Railneers.

I. All Aquafinas are Aqua-guards.
II. No Railneer is a Aquafina.
III. Some Aquafinas are Railneers.
IV.  Some Aqua-guards are not Railneers 

(1) Only I, II and III follow
(2) Only I, II and IV follow
(3) Only II, III and IV follow
(4) Only II and IV follow
(5) None of these

4. Statements:
No rule is an instruction.
Some restrictions are instructions.
All restrictions are cautions.
Some rules are advices.

I. Some advices are not instructions.
II. All rules are restrictions.
III. Some cautions are not rules.
IV. All instructions are cautions.

(1) Only I and II follow
(2) Only II and III follow
(3) Only III and IV follow
(4) Only I and III follow
(5) None of these

5. Statements:
All pinks are reds.
All reds are greens.
All reds are purples.
All pinks are blacks.

I. All pinks are greens.
II. Some purples are greens.
III. Some greens are blacks.
IV. All reds are blacks.

(1) Only I, II and IV follow
(2) Only II, III and IV follow
(3) Only I, II and III follow
(4) Only I, III and IV follow
(5) None of these

6. How many pairs of letters are there in the word 'PRISON’, each of which has as many letters between its two letters in the word as there are between them in the English alphabet.
(1) Two
(2) One
(3) Four
(4) Three
(5) More than four

Directions (7-10): Read the following information for answering the questions that follow—
On a playing ground M, N, Q, R and T are standing as described below facing the North.
 N is 30 metres to the right of R. M is 70 metres to the South of N. Q is 10 metres to the West of R. T is 100 metres to the North of M.
7. If a boy walks from Q, meets R followed by N, M and then T, how many metres has he walked if he has travelled the straight distance all through ?
(1) 210 
(2) 140
(3) 170 
(4) 230
(5) None of these

8. What is the minimum distance between Q and T ?
(1) 55 
(2) 60 
(3) 70 
(4) 50
(5) None of these

9. Who is to the South-East of the person who is to the left of R ?
(1) M 
(2) N 
(3) Q
(4) T
(5) M or Q

Solutions (1-5):
1. (1):

2. (4):

3. (2):

4. (4):

5. (3):

6. (3)

Solutions (7-9):

7. (1)

8. (4)

9. (1)

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