P, Q, B, S, T, U and N are sitting around a circle, facing the centre, but not necessarily in the same order. Q is not an immediate neighbour of N. P is not second to the right of T. S is not an immediate neighbour of N and P, but is second to the left of T. B is third to the right of P but not an immediate neighbour of T.
1. If U is an immediate neighbour of B, who is third to the right of N?
3) T
4) B
5) Can't be determined
2. Who sits on the immediate right of P?
3) Either U or N
4) Can't be determined
5) None of these
3. Who sits between Q and P?
4. What is the position of B with respect to T?
1) Immediate right of T
2) Second to the left of T Second to the right of T
3) Third to the right of T
4) Can't be determined
5) None of these
5. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on their positions in the seating arrangement and thus form a group. Which of the following does not belong to that group?
1) BS
2) BQ
3) TP
4) SQ
5) None of these
Directions(6-10) Study the following arrangements carefully and answer the questions given below:
5 D E F 6 * I 4 B M A 7 $ J # H L O @ P T U 2 R Q % Y W
6. How many such numbers are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a letter but not immediately followed by a letter?
I) None
2) Three
3) Two
4) One
5) More than three
7. Which of the following is seventh to the left of the twentieth from the left end in the above arrangement?
1) *
2) 5
3) $
4) I
5) 7
8. What should come in place of question mark (?) in the following series based on the above arrangement?
6I4, A$J, L@P, ?
1) 2RQ
2) 2Q%
3) R%Y
4) UT@
5) None of these
9. How many such symbols are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately preceded by a number and immediately followed by a letter?
1) Two
2) Three
3) Four
4) None
5) None of these
10. How many such vowels are there in the above arrangement, each of which is immediately followed by a number and also immediately preceded by a consonant?
1) None
2) One
3) Three
4) two
5) None of these
Directions (Q. 11-15): Study the information below and answer the given questions:
In a certain code 'when did you come' is coded as 'hil jlk pil nal', 'will you go again' is coded as 'plv pil snk mkp', 'she will not come' is coded as 'gat plv blk nal' and 'when she go there' is coded as 'hil gat snk hmt'
11. `hmt' stands for
1) when
2) there
3) not
4) again
5) None of these
12. What is the code for 'not' in the given code language?
1) plv
2) snk
3) blk
4) pil
5) None of these
13. Which of the following is the code for 'you will not go'?
1) pil nal hmt hil
2) snk blk hil jlk
3) gat plv blk snk
4) pil plv blk snk
5) None of these
14. ‘mkp hmt snk' is the code for which of the following?
1) go there again
2) not go there
3) when come again
4) Can't be determined
5) None of these
15. What is the code for again?
1) pil
2) snk
3) hil
4) plv
5) mkp
Solutions (1-5):

1. (1)
2. (3)
3. (4)
4. (5)
5. (2)
Solutions (6-10):
6. (3); There are two such combinations i.e. F 6 *, A 7 $
7. (3)
8. (2); Each corresponding letter of the next group in obtained by moving six places forward in the given arrangement.
9. (1); There are two such combinations i.e. 6*I, 7$J
10. (4); There are two such combinations i.e. MA7, TU2
Solutions (11-15):
go – snk
come – nal
you – pil
will – plv
she – gat
not – blk
again – mkp
when – hil
did – jlk
there - hmt
11. (2)
12. (3)
13. (4)
14. (1)
15. (5)
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