Wednesday, March 22, 2017

General Knowledge Question with Answers for all type competitive Exams

General Knowledge Question with Answers for all type competitive Exams

Written By Admin on Mar 21, 2017 | March 21, 2017

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Monday, March 20, 2017

GDS Online Notification - AP Circle

GDS Online Notification - AP Circle
Application online Submission Start Date: 18/03/2017

Application online Submission End Date: 18/04/2017

Community wise Consolidation of Posts: (A.P Circle)

Community No. Of posts
UR 625
OBC 284
SC. 126
ST. 92
TOTAL 1127

Steps to be followed:

2. Enter details of the applying candidate and get registration number (Only one time registration)
3. Tell registration number and pay fee at Head Post Office (Rs. 100- for OC/OBC ; (No fee for Female, SC/ST)
4. Can apply to any circle and to any number of posts
5. Only one time uploading of documents. Need not upload again and again. Same uploaded documents can be used again for applying other posts.

Click Here to view the details of notification.



Application Online submission starting date : 18.3.2017.

Application online submission end date : 19.4.2017.

Community wise consolidation of posts

1. UR     356
2. OBC  151
3. SC       86
4. ST       52

Total  = 645

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Employment News 18.03.2017 to 24.03.2017

Employment News 18.03.2017 to 24.03.2017


Name Of Post : Assistants
No.of Vacancies : 219
Last Date :25.04.2017
Name Of Post : Specialist Officers and Special Special Recruitments
No.of Vacancies : 88
Last Date :12.04.2017
Name Of Post : Junior Assistant (Fire Service)-NE-4
No.of Vacancies : 147
Last Date :31.03.2017
Name Of Post : Chief Manager, Chief Supdt. (Elect.), Manager, Addl. Controller of Stores etc
No.of Vacancies : 14
Last Date :24.03.2017
Name Of Post : Assistants
No.of Vacancies : 984
Last Date :29.03.2017

Source :
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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Finacle Module wise Menu List

1. CDEDUP - To see whether the customer is already a existing customer
2. CCRC/CIFCR - For creation of CIF
3. CCRC/CIFCR - CIF creation needs a verification by Supervisor
4. CMRC/CIFMD - CIF Modification
5. CMRC/CIFMD - Suspension of CIF ID
6. HCCA - Merger of CIF ID
7. HCRV - Inquiring of CIF IDs(Customer Relationship View) SB ACCOUNT

1. CASBAO/QDESA - For opening a savings account
2. CASBAV/QDESAVF - For verification of an opened account
3. CASBAOM/QDEMSABV - For modification of an account BEFORE verification
4. CASBAM/QDEMSA - For modification of an account AFTER verification
5. CTM/CXFER - For cash and transfer transactions respectively
6. HPBP - Pass Book Printing
7. HCAAC - To close a savings account and for verification for closure
8. CNAC - Finding out the new account number from the Old account number
9. HCBM - Changing the status of the customer from Minor to Major 
1. CMISAO/ MISAOP` - To open an account
2. CMISAOPV/ MISAVF - Verification by Supervisor
3. CMISAOPM / MISAMBV - To modify an account before verification
4. CMISAM /MISAMAV - To modify an account after verification
5. TRCDP/ CTM - Fund an account by cash
6. TRTFR/HXFER/CXFER - Fund an account by through transfer
7. HTDTRAN - Transaction inquiry
8. TDRED/HTDREN - To renew a TD account
9. HCAACTD/TDACTCL - To close a TD account
10. HCAACVTD/TDACTCLV - Verification of closer 

1. CMISAOP/MISAO - To open an account
2. CMISAOPV/MISAVF - Verify the account
3. CMISAOPM/MISAMBV - Modification Before Verification
4. CMISAM/MISAMAV - Modification After Verification
5. HCAACTD - For closure/ pre-closure of the account,
6. HCAACVTD - Verification
7. HTM - Interest to be paid by debiting SUNDARY DEPOSIT MIS 

1. CSCAOP/SCSSAO - For opening an SCSS deposit account
2. CSCAOPM/SCSSMBV - Modification BEFORE Verification
3. CSCAOPV/SCSSAV - The account opening verification
4. CSCAM/SCSSMAV - Account modification AFTER Verification
5. HCAACTD - Closure of an SCSS account
6. HCAACVTD - Closure verification 

RD Account Related Menu in DOP Finacle
1. CRDOAAC/RDAOCM - For opening of recurring deposit account
2. CRDOAACV/RDAOVF - Verification of opening
3. CRDOAACM/RDMAO - Modification in the account before verification
4. CRDACM - Modification in the account After verification
5. RDAMT/CRDP - RD Account transaction maintenance
6. CRDCAAC/RDACLM - For closure of recurring deposit account
7. CRDCAACV/RDACLM - Verification of the closure account 

1. CPPFAO/PPFAO - To open a PPF account
2. CPPFAV/PPFACVF - Verification
3. CPDTM - Funding and for all the future deposits in the PPF account
4. CPWTM - Part withdrawal
5. HAFSM - To unfreeze the account for
6. PPFAMBV/CPPFAOM - PPF A/c can be modified before verification
7. PPFAMAVF/CPPFAM - PPF A/c modification after verification
8. PPFAEXT/HCEXTN - PPF A/c Extension
9. HCAAC - To close a PPF account 

1. CSCOAAC/NSCAO - For Opening a NSC Account
2. CSCOAACV/NSCAOVF - Verification
3. HDRP - For printing NSC
4. CSCOAACM/NSCAMBV - Modification of an NSC account can be done BEFORE verification
5. CSCACM/NSCAM - Modification AFTER Verification can
6. CSCCAAC/NSCAC - For closing an account and this require verification
by the Supervisors by the same menu option
7. HPR - Report can be viewed
8. CSCACM/NSCAM - For modification of a KVP account
9. CSCCAAC/NSCAC - For premature closure/closure on maturity of a KVP
10. HCCA - Transfer of KVP Account from one customer to another customer 11. HACLITD - For balance inquiry in a KVP account. 
1. CAOLARD/RDHWAO - To open a loan account against RD
2. CAOMLARD/RDHWAMBV - For Modification Before Verification
3. CACMLARD/RDHWAMAV - For Modification After Verification
4. CAOVLARD/RDHWAVF - Verification
5. LARDD/RDHWDP - For disbursement of the sanctioned amount
6. HLAUPAY - For making unscheduled payments (for both bullet and monthly installment loans)
7. HLASPAY - For making scheduled payments ( for monthly installment loans)
8. HPAYOFF/CAACLA - For closure of the account
9. HPAYOFF/CAACLA - Verification of closer 

1. CLPPFAO/PPFLAO - To open a loan account against PPF
2. CLPPFAOV/PPFLAVF - Verification
3. CLPPFAOM/PPFLAMBV - Modification before verification
4. CLPPFAM/PPFLAMAV - Modification after verification
5. CPWTM/PPFWLINT - For PPF Withdrawal, Loan Disbursement and Interest Recovery
Invoke the menu option CLPR and HACINT before proceeding with account closure
6. CPDTM/ PPFDPLR - For the repayment of the loan and closing the loan account
7. CPDTM/PPFDPLR - Verification 

1. HIOT - Inquire on transaction
2. HIOGLT - Inquiry on GL transaction
3. HACLINQ - Office Account Ledger Inquiry
4. HACLPOA - Office A/c. Ledgers Print 

1. HAITINQ - Account Interest Inquiry
2. HCUIR - Customer Interest Inquiry
3. HAINTRPT - Account Interest report
4. HINTTI - Interest Details Inquiry
5. HLINTI - Inquiry on Interest
6. HIARM - Interest Adjustment 

1. HCCI - Customer wise charges Inquiry 
2. IFD - Inquire Fee details 
3. CCCSA - Closed Charges For Silent Account 
4. HGCHRG - General Fees 

1. HPICSL - Print inward clearing statement 
2. HMICZ - Print inward clearing validation report 
3. HREJREP - Clearing rejection report 
4. HINWREMI - Inward Remittance Details Report 
5. HOUTREMI - Outward Remittance Details Report 
6. HOIQ - Outward Clearing Instrument Inquiry 
7. HTRFTOPC - Transfer File to PC 

1. HCULA - Loan accounts of customer report 
2. HLNGI - Loan General Details 
3. HLACLI - Ledger Inquiry

1. HACS - Account Selection 
2. HACSP - Account selection and Print 
3. HACCBAL - Components of account balance 
4. HACCBALI - Account balance inquiry 
5. HACLI - Account Ledger inquiry 
6. HABMR - Account below minimum balance report 
7. HACLPCA - Account ledger print 
8. HCUACC - Account of customer 
9. HCRV - Customer Search 
10. HCUDET - Inquire on General Details of Customer 
11. HACI - Signature Verification 
12. VSPH - View Signature and Photograph List 

1. HCHBI - Cheques book issue inquiry 
2. HISAI - Inventory Split and Inquiry 
3. HIIA - Inventory Inquiry All 
4. HIMI - Inquire on Inventory Movement 
5. HISI - Inquiring on the inventory 

1. HBR - Balancing report 
2. HQBR - Quick balancing report 
3. HPR - Print report 
4. HISTR - Inter sol transaction report 
5. HISAR - Inter sol audit report 
6. HEXCPRPT - Exceptions Report 
7. HFINRPT - FINRPT Report Generation 
8. HGR - General Report 
9. HPDB - Day Book printing 
10. HSPRG - Generate Stop Payment Register Report 
11. HSCWRPT - Shroff Cash Report 
12. CATREP - Accounts Transfer Report 
13. HMR - Monthly/Yearly Statistical report 
14. CSCB - Scheme Balances 
15. CNSR - HNSR (Monthly/Yearly Nomination Statistical Reports) 
16. HMEMOPAD - Memo pad Maintenance 

1. HACDET  - Account details 
2. HGDET - General details 
3. HRELACI - Renewed account inquiry 
4. HPLIST - Pending installment List (Recurring Deposit) 
5. HCUMAT - Customer accounts maturities 
6. HCUTD - Term Deposit of the customer 
7. HDTRS - Deposit Transactions Report Summary 
8. HRENHIST - Term Deposit Renewal History Details of Account 
9. HTDSIP - Tax Report Options 
10. HTDSREP - Customer Wise TDS Report 

1. HFTI - Financial Transaction Inquiry 
2. HFTR - Financial Transaction Report 
3. HTCPIAE - Teller cash position Inquiry - employee 
4. HTCPIAC - Teller cash position Inquiry- currency 
5. HOCI - Outward cheques Inquiry 
6. HABI - Balance Inquiry 
7. HACSBIO - A/c. Shadow Balance Inquiry 
8. CNSTRP - Transactions Report 

1. CATREP - Accounts transfer Report 
2. CCHQREP - Cheques Report Generation 
3. CMITMA - Minor to Major Report 
4. CRVACC - Dormant Accounts revived Report 
5. CSIREP - Silent account Report 
6. CAFUREP - Account Freeze and Unfreeze Report 
7. CWAREP - Welcome Kit Account Report 
8. CWDREP - Report of SB Withdrawals above Rs.10000 
9. HACDET - A/c. Balance Details 
10. CNAC - Old Accounts Details Look Up 
11. HACCDET - Inquire on General Details of Account 
12. HAFSM - Account freeze/Unfreeze 
13. HSSII - Inquire on standing instructions maintenance 
14. HSIREPTS - Standing Instructions Reports 

1. HFTI - Financial Transaction Inquiry 
2. HSVALRPT - SOL VAL Reports 
3. HSCOD - To Change Date (Day End) 
4. HSOLCOP - SOL Closure 
5. HSCOLD - SOL Closure for Last Day 
6. HSSI - Inquire on SO

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