Saturday, October 31, 2015

Daily GK Update: 31st October, 2015

Economic affairs secretary Shaktikanta Das nominated on RBI Central Board 
i. Union Government has nominated Economic Affairs Secretary Shaktikanta Das to the Central Board of Directors of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). 
ii. Mr. Dase is IAS officer of 1980 batch from of Tamil Nadu cadre. His nomination is effective from October 30, 2015 and until further orders. 

About Central Board of Directors of RBI 
  • RBI’s affairs are governed by the Central Board of Directors (CBD) which also responsible for its general superintendence and direction. 
  • Composition: There are 21-members in CBD of RBI. It comprise of Governor , 4 Deputy Governors, 2 Finance Ministry representatives. 
  • 10 Directors are nominated by Union Government in order to represent important elements from India’s economy. 
  • 4 directors are from local boards of RBI which are headquartered at Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and New Delhi.

Paul Ryan elected as 54th Speaker of US House of Representatives
i. Republican Paul Ryan was elected as the 54th speaker of the US House of Representatives after fetching the votes of 236 members by the full House of Representatives. 
ii. Following his election, Ryan was sworn in as Speaker of the House. He took the oath on his own copy of the New American bible and kept the gavel he wielded as Chairman of the powerful tax writing committee. 

National Unity Day observed across India
i. The National Unity Day was observed across India on 31 October 2015 to commemorate the birthday of Sardar Vallabhai Patel. 
ii. On this occasion of 140th birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, PM Narendra Modi flagged off Run for Unity at Rajpath in New Delhi.
iii. Moreover, on this day, all ministries and departments of the government and all the state governments and administrators of all the Union Territories organise programmes including the Pledge-taking Ceremony, Run for Unity involving people from all sections of society.

Ministry of Civil Aviation released Revised Draft National Civil Aviation Policy
i. The Ministry of Civil Aviation on 30 October 2015 released Revised Draft National Civil Aviation Policy (NCAP 2015).
ii. The policy aims at providing a favourable environment and a level playing field to various aviation sub-sectors, such as Airlines, Airports, Cargo, Maintenance Repairs and Overhaul (MRO) services and so on.
iii. Besides, the scheme also intends to create an eco-system to enable 30 crore domestic ticketing by 2022 and 50 crore by 2027.

Railways launches ‘Vikalp’ for waitlisted passengers to get confirmed berth
i. Railway is launching a new scheme under which waitlisted passengers can get confirmed accommodation in next alternative train if they opt for the option while booking their tickets online.
ii. Known as Viklap, the alternative train accommodation scheme will take off in trains running on Delhi-Lucknow and Delhi-Jammu sectors from November 1, on a pilot basis.
iii. Initially, Vikalp scheme will be available only for the tickets booked through internet for six months and option will be limited to mail and express trains on the two selected routes, said a senior Railway Ministry official.

GSAT-15 to be launched on November 10 from French Guiana
i. ISRO’s latest communication satellite GSAT-15 is all set to be launched on November 10, 2015 from French Guiana on board Ariane 5.
ii. The Indian space agency, as part of augmenting telecommunication services, had earlier launched communication satellites GSAT-14 and GSAT-6, respectively.
iii. The satellite would provide C and Ku band telecommunications and navigation services to India.

IBPS PO Mains 2015: Computer Questions (Asked in Shifts)

1. activities of computer is controlled by - control unit  
2. Other name of chip - integrated circuite 
3. Process of computer - input process output storage
4. Program in ROM - bios
5. Restart - warm booting 
6. not a type of virus - firmware 
7. Not a part of web adreess - hyperlink 
8. Memory highest frm given - GB 
9. Word file is created by - ms word
10. Not office - ms vista
11. window provides cui - wrong statement 
12. Ram retains data after power off - wrong statement 
13. Hardware provides network interface - network interface card 
14. Which OS does not have GUI Interface - DOS 
15. Virus trojan etc are - malware 
16. Name of signal sent by system to respond - Interrupt 
17. Integrated circuits are made up of - Semiconductors
18. Which function is not performed by RAM - Permanent storage
19. Artificial intelligence uses which of the following languages - C
20. File extension for word in ms office 2007 - .docx

General Awareness Questions Asked in IBPS PO MAINS 2015 (2nd Shift)

1) Nobel prize in literature? Svetlana Alexievich
2)  Lima is the capital of?  Peru
3)  What is the currency of Egypt? Egyptian pound
4) Question related to SMILE scheme launched by SIDBI? MSME
5) Which committee framed the RRB Act? Narsimham Committee
6) Ravindra Jain who passed recently was a? Music Composer
7)What is the full form of C in MICR? Magnetic Ink Character Recognition 
8) Which scheme registered its name in Guinness book for record one day registrations?- PM Jhan Dhan Yojana
9) What is the cost of Delhi National Memorial Cost? 500 crore
10) Rupay is launched by? NPCI
11) Where is BIS located? Switzerland 
12) Where is Central bank of India headquarters? Mumbai
13) Betla national park is located at? Jharkhand
14) Federal Reserve is the Central Bank of which country?
15) India the future is now book written by? Shashi Tharoor
16) Bank with head office in Kolkata? Bandhan Bank
17) For Make in India initiative, 
1000 crores reserved is made by

18) Constituency of Nitin Gadkari? Nagpur
19) Bi-monthly policy by is formed by? -  RBI
20) Highest rural population in which state according to the Census 2011? U.P.

21) World custom organisation? Brussels, Belgium
22) 1st dec is celebrated as? Aids Day
23) 1st baharat ratna awardee posthumously? Lal Bahadur Shastri
24) rrb are funded by central govt state govt and ___? Sponsored bank
25) Bank Board Bureau appoints head of? Public Sector Banks
26) President of Iran? Hassan Rouhani
27) Name the scheme of Skill Development for minorities? Nai Manzil

General Awareness Questions Asked in IBPS PO MAINS 2015

1) Basel Committee is related with: Banking Industry
2) IBRD Head-qurter is located at- Washington DC
3) Where is the Head-quarter of Indian Bank?- Chennai
4)  Shishu Kishor are a part of?- MUDRA BANK
5) DRDO Highest Reseach Centre  in which state? Leh, Ladakh, J&K
6) Name the DSIB Banks? ICICI & SBI
7) Egypt currency - Pound
8) Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna award- Sania Mirza 
9 Syria Capital? - Damascus
10) KVP lock period?  30 Months
11) What is not the function of a payment Bank?
12) Ist Micro Finance Company to change into Bank? Bandhan Bank
13) What is the portal launched by Finance Minister on Education Loan?
14) Physical Noble Prize Winners? Takaaki Kajita and Arthur B. McDonald
15) What is the time limit given to Small Banks to be in Operation? 18 Months
16) NPS focus on?
17) Housing for all till?- 2022
18) 25 DEC is observed as- Good Governance Day.
19) White label ATM- 100% FDI
20) Export risk insured by which financial institution-ECGC 
21) Banking ombudsmen appoint by- RBI
22) Buxa national park- West Bengal
23) Literacy rate-74.04
24) Bank Bureau Board top official- RBI governor
25) NHB regulator- RBI 
26) Frank Tyson cricketer country- England
27) 1st bharat ratna- C. Rajagopalachari, CV Raman
28) Sushma swaraj constituency- Vidisha,MP
29) Bhartiya Maliha Bank CMD who recently became CMD of PNB? Usha Subramanium
30.) IBA headquarters - Mumbai
31.) BBPS (Bharat Bill Payment System) - useful for Bill payments
32.) UUIN university - Tokyo


1.Book : Critic : : Building :?
(a) Engineer
(b) Contractor
(c) Weigher
(d) Appraiser

2.Video: cassette : : computer :?
(a) Reels
(b) Recordings
(c) Files
(d) Floppy

3.Command: Order : : Confusion :?
(a) discipline
(b) Clarity
(d) Problem

4.Statement : 
           Some bowls are drinks.
           All drinks are cups.
           I. Some bowls are cups.
           II. Some cups are drinks.
           III. All drinks are bowls.
           IV. All cups are drinks.
(a) Only I and II follow
(b) Only II and III follow
(c) Only II and IV follow
(d) Only III and IV follow

5. Statement:   
           All dogs are fruits.
           No chair is a fruit.
           Some chairs are cows.
           I. Some cows are dogs.
           II. Some chairs are dogs.
           III. No chair is a dog.
           IV. No dog is a cow.
(a) Only either I or IV follows
(b) None follows
(c) Only either I or IV and II follow
(d) Only either I or IV and III follow

DIRECTION(6-8):Find odd one out-
(a) Kite
(c) Hawk
(d) Vulture

(a) Infrared Rays
(b) Radio waves
(c) X-rays 
(d) Ultraviolet Rays

(a) Owl
(b) Eagle
(c) Hawk
(d) Parrot

9. Pointing towards a boy, Veena said, “He is the son of only son of my grandfather.” How is that boy related to Veena?
(a) Uncle
(b) Brother
(d)Data inadequate

10. Rohit is seventeenth from the left end of a row of 29 boys and Karan is seventeenth from the right end in the same row. How many boys are there between them in the row?
(a) 3
(b) 5
(c) 6
(d) Data inadequate

1. d
2. d
3. c
4. a
5. d
6. a
7. b
8. d
9. b

SSC Competitive Exams – General English Study Notes

1.  Bless (V.)  आशीर्वाद देना, प्रशंसा करना 
Syn. :  Adore, praise, extol, exalt
Ant. :  curse, criticize

2.  Bliss (N.) आनंद, सुख
Syn. :  joy, ecstasy, beatification, felicity
Ant.:   misery, sorrow

3.   Blunt (Adj.) भौथरा, धारहीन
Syn. :  harsh, rough, rude, brusque
Ant. :  polite, humble

4. Boastful (Adj.) डिंग हाँकने वाला, शेखी खोर
Syn. : egoist, egotist, proud, arrogant
Ant.  : meek, simple

5.  Boisterous (Adj.) उग्र, उद्दंड
Syn. : noisy, clamorous, obstreperous, furious
Ant. : quiet, silent

6.  Boorish (Adj.) गँवार जैसा
Syn. : rustic, loutish, rude, rough
Ant. : civilised, gentle

7.  Bottomless (Adj.) असीम, अनंत, अथाह
Syn. : abysmal, unending, unfathomable, eternal
Ant. : shallow, fathomable

8.       Boundary (N.) सीमा
Syn. : border, frontier, line
Ant. : interior, hinterland

9.       Bounty (N.) दानवीरता
Syn. : bonus, donation, gift, reward
Ant. : meanness

10.   Brash (Adj.) उतावला
Syn. : over confident, aggressive, conceited, proud
Ant. : meek, humble

Previous Year English Quiz For SSC CHSL Exam

Directions (1-7): In the following questions, out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.

1. A large number of bullets fired at the same time
(a) Fusillade
(b) Rattle
(c) Shoot
(d) Archery

2. A tall, strong woman
(a) Siren 
(b) Amazon
(c) Harridan
(d) Shrew

3. A difficult problem
(a) Labyrinth
(b) Maze
(c) Conundrum
(d) Puzzle

4. The policy of extending a country’s empire and influence
(a) Imperialism
(b) Internationalism
(c) Capitalism
(d) Communism

5. A person who studies the origin and history of words
(a) Ethnologist
(b) Polyglot
(c) Grammarian
(d) Etymologist

6. A book which holds several works of one author
(a) Anthology
(b) Biography
(c) Omnibus
(d) Bibliotheque

7. One who deliberately damages other people’s property
(a) Arsonist
(b) Destructor
(c) Vandal 
(d) Vampire

Directions (8-10): In the following questions, there are four different words out of which one is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word and indicate it by blackening the appropriate rectangle in the Answer Sheet.
(a) Irrisistable
(b) Irresistible
(c) Irresesteble
(d) Irresistable

(a) Baroaque
(b) Baroque
(c) Baruque
(d) Barokue

(a) Pseudopodia
(2) Seudopodia
(3) Pseuedopodia
(4) Pseuadopodia

1- (a)
2- (b)
3- (c)
4- (a)
5- (d)
6- (c)
7- (c)
8- (b)
9- (b)
10- (a)


1. In what time will Rs. 500 amount to Rs. 625 at 5 per cent per annum?
(a) 6 years
(b) 5 years
(c) 10 years
(d) None of these

2. A man will get Rs. 87 as simple interest on Rs. 725 at 4% per annum in:
(a) 3 years
(b) 3.5 years
(c) 4 years
(d) 5 years

3. The difference between the interests received from two different banks on Rs. 1000 for 2 years is Rs. 20. Thus the difference between their interest rates is-
(a) 2
(b) 1
(c) 1.5
(d) 2.5

4. Ashok borrowed some money at the rate of 6 per cent per annum for the first two years, at the rate of 9 per cent per annum for the next three years and at the rate of 14%  per annum for the period beyond five years. If he pays a total interest of Rs. 11400 at the end of 9 years how much money did he borrow?
(a) Rs.16,000
(b) Rs.14,000
(c) Rs.18,000
(d) Rs.12,000

5. A sum of money becomes 6 times in 20 years at SI. Find the rate of interest.
(a) 20%
(b) 15%
(c) 16%
(d) 25%

6. A certain sum is invested for certain time. It amount to Rs. 450 at 7% per annum. But when invested at 5% per annum, it amounts to Rs. 350. Find the time.
(a) 50 years
(b) 60 years
(c) 45 years
(d) 40 years

7. At a certain rate of simple interest Rs. 1600 amounted to Rs. 1840 in 5 years. If the rate of interest be decreased by 3%, what will be the amount after 5 years?
(a) Rs.1720
(b) Rs.1680
(c) Rs.1600
(d) Not possible

8. A certain sum of money amounts to Rs. 5000 in 5 years at 10% per annum. In how many years will it amount to Rs. 6000 at the same rate?
(a) 8 years
(b) 6 years
(c) 10 years

(d) 9 years

9. A man wants to deposit Rs 46000 in accounts of his 2 son , who are presently 14 years and 16 years old in such a way so, that they can get equal amount at the time of attending 18 year. If rate of interest is 5%.Find the amount which deposits in the account of a older son?
(a) Rs.16,000
(b) Rs.24,000
(c) Rs.18,000
(d) Rs.12,000

10.what annual installment will discharge a debt of Rs.770 , Which will be due in 5 years at the rate interest 5% per annum . Find amount of each installment ?
(a) Rs.160
(b) Rs.140
(c) Rs.180
(d) Rs.120


Friday, October 30, 2015

General Awareness Quiz For SSC CHSL Exam

1. Under which plan did the Government introduce an agricultural strategy which gave rise to Green Revolution?
(a) Second Five Year Plan
(b) Third Five Year Plan
(c) Fourth Five Year Plan
(d) Sixth Five Year Plan

2. The Second Five Year Plan was based on:
(a) Mahalanobis Model 
(b) Vakil and Brahmananda’s Wage-Goods Model
(c) Harro-Domar Growth Model
(d) Solow Growth Model

3. Mahalanobis Model has been associated with which Five Year Plan?
(a) First Five Year Plan 
(b) Second Five Year Plan
(c) Third Five Year Plan
(d) Fourth Five Year Plan

4. Which Plan gave emphasis on removal of poverty for the first time?
(a) Fourth 
(b) Fifth
(c)  Sixth
(d) Seventh

5. The Planning Commission of India was constituted in the year:
(a) 1942
(b) 1947
(c)  1950
(d) 1955

6. Which one of the following is NOT correct?
(a) First Five Year Plan : 1951-56
(b)Second Five Year Plan : 1956-61
(c) Third Five Year Plan : 1961-66
(d)Fourth Five Year Plan : 1966-71

7. Only one of the following can be the ex-officio Chairman of the Planning Commission. He is the:
(a) Minister for Planning and Development
(b) Home Minister
(c)  Prime Minister
(d) Finance Minister

8. What one of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched?
(a) First Five Year Plan : 1951-56
(b) Third Five Year Plan : 1961-66
(c)  Fifth Five Year Plan : 1974-79
(d) Ninth Five Year Plan : 1996-2001

9. Which is the highest body that approves Five Year Plans in the country?
(a) Planning Commission
(b) Union Cabinet
(c)  Parliament
(d) National Development Council

10. The iron and steel plants of Roukela and Durgapur were conceived under the:
(a) First Five Year Plan
(b) Second Five Year Plan
(c) Third Five Year Plan
(d) Fourth Five Year Plan

1- (b)
2- (a)
3- (b)
4- (b)
5- (c)
6- (d)
7- (c)
8- (d)
9- (d)
10- (b)